People have been talking about the development model in certain states and how it needs to be emulated across the nation. But apart from all the PR machinery involved, this development model was bought by cashing a costly paycheck. This cost is that of complete ignorance of minority. Such ignorance breeds in itself a sense of alienation amongst the people and the current silence is only an indication of the future revolution that is going to be fought for equality and freedom by the minority.
There is not doubt that to keep themselves relevant the fundamentalist forces once in power, will sooner or later take us to war. External war threat has been looming onto us. With US forces planning to leave Afghanistan and Pakistan government becoming more and more unstable, there is no doubt that activities along the border is going to increase and people in power in New Delhi might have to take some tough decisions. If there are fundamentalist forces in power, it will only give them too easy a reason to take the nation to war.
However my concern is not external wars. My concern is the internal civil war that loom over us if fundamentalist forces see the light of the day of power.
Our society is on edge while media like an uninterested babysitter, is just shying away from its responsibilities to report the truth and come with concrete studies of the on-the-ground situation. Small insignificant incidents spread like a fire across the nation where as real burning issues of the common people are just not getting any attention. The mob behavior growing across the nation can easily be fueled towards any direction.
Lying on such a hot volcano bed, the future with fundamentalists being in power can only be catastrophic. Our society is yet to understand and respect difference of opinion and faith. With the kind of diversity, India boasts of and with the strong personal interests of a few to keep the society divided, we just have not yet been able to learn to live in harmony. Especially with the educated middle class just too interested in enjoying their sudden financial growth, there has been just too little interest in real solving social issues that plague the society and such issues have only grown thanks to the conducive environment. As always, it is not that the society wants to get into communal war. It is just that the environment becomes such that everyone is engulfed into it.
Now having considered such speculative but still serious issues, we need to consider what is the cost that we are ready to pay for the perceived development. Hence I request to all the people filled with anti-incumbency to have a greater thought on other alternatives present than the fundamentalist forces.
March 24, 2013
What is the cost that we are ready to pay
by viggy — Categories: experience, social, Uncategorized — Tags: anti-incumbency, cost, fundamentalists, politics, power — Leave a comment
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