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March 27, 2020

Confession in times of Coronavirus about Coronavirus

by viggy — Categories: experience, Uncategorized — Tags: , , Leave a comment

A trip was long due as a couple for both of us. We had achieved a lot together in last 12 months with marriage, house purchase and then moving to the new house after all the interior work. Hence we started planning it right from November that we should be going for a trip. Bhutan was decided as the destination and timing was to be our first anniversary. Then around December, there was news about levying heavy Sustainability Fees even for Indian citizens and it was not clear when they would start that. The exact fees was not clear and it seemed that it maybe around 3k per person per day which clearly seemed too high for us to afford the trip.

So with Bhutan as a destination being uncertain, we finally decided to go to Thailand and the tickets were booked around December end for the trip from Feb 8th to Feb 16th. And thus all our planning went about and we were almost ready with all the bookings by mid-January. Last week of Jan was when news about coronavirus started making headlines. China’s Wuhan city was heavily impacted with first hundreds and then thousands of cases being reported. Outside China, Thailand was next country with highest number of cases but it was still in single digits.

We were not as alarmed in initial state but in the first week of Feb, number of casualty in China increased and cities in China were completely locked down. The seriousness was such that even my colleagues were asked to work from home for 3 weeks in Shanghai. The number of cases in Thailand was in double digits but still less than 20. It clearly seemed that this was completely in control outside China and by ensuring that Chinese tourists were not allowed in different countries, the world had ensured that the virus was not spread.

We now had a difficult decision to make. Whether to continue with our trip plan or to postpone it or plan it for some other destination. With less than 10 days to go, I believed that we could defer making the decision to cancel the trip and wait till the last day. At that moment, it did not seem as risky and chances seemed very less that the virus had spread extensively in Thailand. Also, we had planned the trip for Bangkok for a day and then 6 days in Krabi and Phuket where there hadnt been any cases reported as yet. As days passed on, 1-2 positive cases increased each day in Thailand but still not at an alarming rate.

Even just a day before the trip, we were continuing to analyze our options. The airlines, hotel agreed to refund or postpone the bookings without any extra charges. However, we didnt know when we could again get 9 days of leave from our offices in the near future. I contacted couple of friends who were in Bangkok and they mentioned that the situation didnt seem that bad and though they were taking as much precautions and mainly staying home and avoiding crowded places, it seemed ok to go ahead with the trip.

As we did go for the trip and had loads of fun. Thailand definitely won our hearts. A beautiful country, with amazing hospitality and very practical life style. We took our precautions in Bangkok but as we reached Krabi, we felt much relaxed as situation indeed seemed under control and there was nothing much to panic about.

Now coming back to the main point of this blog, my confession. As I look back at our decision, most of the rational on deciding to go or not was completely self centered. We hardly had taken into consideration that if we had actually got contracted with the virus, would we have then brought it back to the nation and endangered everyone around us. This was a question that we never thought off. It was always about us and we were just thinking of our chances of contracting it and worst case, we would joke would be spending time in some place in quarantine.

Looking at the pandemic now this has become, our decision seems utterly selfish and short sighted. We were part of that initial hundreds or thousands of people who under-estimated the situation, prioritized our luxury and our plans risking thousands and possibly millions of others. In hindsight, I cant imagine the guilt that we would have to live with if we were confirmed positive and we would have caused someone else to be infected with the virus. The world will now have thousands of such people who will have to live their life knowing that they could have broken the chain if they had been more careful or if they had not ignored this virus.

The casualty due to this virus is now more than 23k and it seems to grow rapidly. Imagine most of these people did not get to make the choice of whether to prioritize their trip or not. They just were unlucky or in wrong place to have come in contact with someone infected. I am just glad that with strange probability at place, we were just not infected and did not cause anyone else to get infected due to us.

Hope to take life more seriously and take this as a lesson as we continue to fight the virus…

August 6, 2019

What can be accepted as proof?

by viggy — Categories: UncategorizedLeave a comment

What can be accepted as proof?

Note: I had written this piece two years ago but forgotten to publish it.

This is an interesting question in philosophy as many of the concepts discussed can be explained or failed to be explained by using the theory of self realization or self-experience. So when a person says that he/she believes in something because they have self-realized it or self-experienced it, it becomes difficult to question. Now this is a very strong argument made in many of theories in Indian philosophy, atleast amongst whomever I had discussed. Hence I tried to look at various Indian ancient texts talking about.

So I chanced upon ‘Patanjali’s YogaSutras’, a commentary by Swami Vivekananda(PDF available here).

So in the Chapter 1, Samadhi Pada, Shlokha 7, it is

pratyakshanumanagamah pramanani

Which means,

‘Direct perception, inference, evidence, are proofs.’

The Sanskrit shlokha seems pretty straight forward. However in the commentary, Swami Vivekananda adds another kind of proof which is not mentioned in shlokha, ‘aptakavyam‘ which is strange. His commentary goes on to explain it as follows:

‘When two of our perceptions do not contradict each other we call it proof. I hear something, and, if it contradicts something already perceived, I begin to fight it out, and do not believe it. There are also three kinds of proof. Direct perception, Pratyaksham, whatever we see and feel, is proof, if there has been nothing to delude the senses. I see the world; that is sufficient proof that it exists. Secondly, Anumana, inference; you see a sign, and from the sign you come to the thing signified. Thirdly, Aptavakyam, the direct perception of the Yogi, of those who have seen the truth. We are all of us struggling towards knowledge, but you and I have to struggle hard, and come to knowledge through a long tedious process of reasoning, but the Yogi, the pure one, has gone beyond all this. Before his mind, the past, the present, and the future, are alike one book for him to read; he does not require to go through all this tedious process, and his words are proofs, because he sees knowledge in himself; he is the Omniscient One. These, for instance, are the authors of the Sacred Scriptures; therefore the Scriptures are proof, and, if any such persons are living now, their words will be proof. Other philosophers go into long discussions about this Apta, and they say, what is the proof that this is truth? The proof is because they see it; because whatever I see is proof, and whatever you see is proof, if it does not contradict any past knowledge. There is knowledge beyond the senses, and whenever it does not contradict reason and past human experience, that knowledge is proof. Any madman may come into this room and say that he sees angels around him, that would not be proof. In the first place it must be true knowledge, and, secondly, it must not contradict knowledge
of the past, and thirdly, it must depend upon the character of the man. I hear it said that the character of the man is not of so much importance as what he may say; we must first hear what he says. This may be true in other things; a man may be wicked, and yet make an astronomical discovery, but in religion it is different, because no impure man will ever have the power to reach the truths of religion. Therefore, we have first of all to see that the man who declares himself to be an Apta is a perfectly unselfish and holy person; secondly that he has reached beyond the senses, and thirdly that what he says does not contradict the past knowledge of humanity. Any new discovery of truth does not contradict the past truth, but fits into it. And, fourthly, that truth must have a possibility of
verification. If a man says “I have seen a vision,” and tells me that I have no right to see it, I believe him not. Everyone must have the power to see it for himself. No one who sells his knowledge is an Apta. All these conditions must be fulfilled; you must first see that the man is pure, and that he has no selfish motive; that he has no thirst for gain or fame.
Secondly, he must show that he is super-conscious. Thirdly, he must have given us something that we cannot get from our senses, and which is for benefit of the world. And we must see
that it does not contradict other truths; if it contradicts other scientific truths reject it at once. Fourthly, the man should never be singular; he should only represent what all men can attain. The three sorts of proof, are, then, direct sense perception, inference, and the words of an Apta. I cannot translate this word into English. It is not the word inspired, because that comes from outside, while this comes from himself. The literal meaning is “attained.”

Now, I tried to look at the word ‘Aptakavyam’, where it has been used. I came across ‘Vedantha Paribhasha of Dharmaraja Adhvarindra’ Translated and annotated by Swami Madhavananda(PDF can be found here). It seems to mention lot of different theories of Proofs across the Indian philosophy. The author of ‘Vedantha Paribhasha’ Dharmaraja Advarindra seems to be from Tamil Nadu and seems to have lived in 17th century as mentioned in Introduction by Swami Madhavananda. So this seems to be a good book to understand various aspects of Proofs in Indian philosophy as it seems the author already studied it in detail and have summarized it with appropriate citations to previous work. So from the previous book of ‘Yoga Sutras’ I have jumped into understanding this book now. So this is where my quest stands as of now.

May 20, 2018

The Paddles

by viggy — Categories: social, Uncategorized — Tags: , , Leave a comment

The river roared and thundered in its full glory. The Fate was enjoying the discussions happening within the boathouse. The paddles in the boathoues are all having their own confusions. Made my the reckless and drunk boatman, each and everyone of them are of different shapes and sizes. The paddles having looked at the mightly river and heard the scary stories of how their friends and elders were crushed by the river are wondering how to survive the river. Finding the right partner to paddle with was one way to ensure the safety. Drunk that boatman was, it was important to ensure that paddles worked together to keep the boat steady anytime.

The Long paddle having dejected by everyone never got to enter the water. It was told the river in these parts was too shallow for him. He knew he would just be used as the firewood in the boatman’s home. Then there was the Fat paddle, the one which was too heavy to paddle. Some tried to row the boat with it but the boat would just tilt on its direction and topple. The Fate had heard all these stories long ago and was too bored of it.

It was curious about the discussion between the two paddle lying together in a corner. Silently and away from everyone’s eyes, the two were trying to understand each other and discussing on how the river would be and how they would tackle it. They were different than each other as was every paddle in the boathouse thanks to the drunk boatman but still they saw each other similar in many ways. They came from similar wood, were almost made on same day, one in morning when the boatman still had a heavy hangover and other in the night when the boatman was hardly able to stand. They saw the chance of being able to work together and row the river. The questions and uncertainties that they were trying to tackle. Each with its own bruises with brief past experiences of going just into the riverbed with someone else. The Left Paddle would ask what will you do if I am lost in river, the Right would ask do you know swim and stay afloat. The Right would ask ‘Have you ever been hit by a rock?’, The Left would ask have you every been in a fight with another paddle? Each with their own fear, hoping the other would help in finding a more reassuring answer of what lies in the river.

The Fate laughed at their innocence. It knew what lies ahead for them and how clueless they were about it.

May 3, 2017

Pepsodent to Patanjali transition of the society

by viggy — Categories: social, Uncategorized — Tags: , , , Leave a comment

Can you remember the era of toothpastes ad with actors dressed as doctors certifying that they would recommend this or that toothpaste to their patients. Do you remember the claim made by almost every toothpaste that 99% of members of some Dentist’s association has suggested them as the best toothpaste, etc. While the Indian society was changing to be a consumerist society, we accepted any garble from the idiot box and bought the products. From toothpaste to toothbrush, soap to fairness cream, everything was sold based on how much it was marketed and how much it made the buyer have a feel good factor. None of the claims were questioned, it was never verified, just broadcasted on all mediums.
They said the toothpaste had salt, we thought it must be good. They said it had neem, we accepted it. The put logos of all the certifications that product had obtained. What those certifications meant, why it mattered was never asked, never answered. As long as the product had the feel good factor, it was bought. Ask anyone the difference between one or other toothpaste, what mattered was only the offers it had or whether it had some taste or smell which they preferred, nothing to do with how it helped the teeth.
Then comes Patanjali, which also said that their toothpaste also had neem but now with certification of being nationalist, being swadeshi. People accepted it also. They again never questioned anything. While the marketting team of big FMCG companies are trying to understand why people are accepting Patanajali, where as they had themselves trained the society to accept anything with a feel good factor, not with any value in it.
Question still remains as to why do we need a toothpaste, why do we need a soap? What properties should the soap have? While we have never asked this question, we can see how a similar ignorance plagues our politics also.

In 1990s, while we were told to accept globalization as the answer to all our problems, we hailed the ones who were called as the architect of liberalized India, PV Narsimha Rao to Manmohan Singh. Everyone accepted that this was the way forward for the nation to leave the clutches of poverty. A grand vision of development, with roads, flyovers and skyscrapers was shown to everyone. Everyone accepted it, they had known of one or other who had benefitted from it. The cousin abroad, far relative who had a white collared job, industrialists in the town, everyone seemed to be benefiting and there was ‘development’ everywhere. No one was interested in trying to understand the fundamentals of the politics they were propagating. This idea of development made them feel better, brought a hope of a change which was more easy to accept.
Than came the nationalist forces which had been brewing silently in the country side making their base stronger. When they bought forward the same idea of development with nationalist way of implementing it, people have accepted it in the same way they shifted from Pepsodent to Patanjali. After all if the feel good factor is the criteria, all it takes is to show a vision which is more tempting than the current one.

If we accept this analogy, the natural question to ask is what would be the next direction for the society. In case of toothpastes, my guess is that very soon we will have local gurus and babas coming up with their own version of toothpastes. While the nationalist layer peels off from the society, society may well be painted with a layer of regionalism. As the efforts of nationalism fails, it may just be too easy to make the society to blame one region to other as the cause for all its problems. Some of the states already have a very good established regional party which would gladly accept this opportunity. Also the glaring economic divide between the south and the north will also make it possible for people to pass the blame on each other. Close to a decade ago, a friend of mine had suggested that India should get disintegrate into all the different states to solve its problems, I had laughed at him as an absurd idea. I wont be surprised if our political parties use such absurd idea to try their luck to political power.

April 22, 2017

Explanation of vectorized form of the for loop calculation of gradient descent in Exercise 1 in ML class in couresa

by viggy — Categories: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , Leave a comment

Source: Storing this for future reference

If you are wondering how the seemingly complex looking for loop can be vectorized and cramped into a single one line expression, then please read on. The vectorized form is:

theta = theta – (alpha/m) * (X’ * (X * theta – y))

Given below is a detailed explanation for how we arrive at this vectorized expression using gradient descent algorithm:

This is the gradient descent algorithm to fine tune the value of θ: enter image description here

Assume that the following values of X, y and θ are given:

m = number of training examples
n = number of features + 1


m = 5 (training examples)
n = 4 (features+1)
X = m x n matrix
y = m x 1 vector matrix
θ = n x 1 vector matrix
xi is the ith training example
xj is the jth feature in a given training example


h(x) = ([X] * [θ]) (m x 1 matrix of predicted values for our training set)
h(x)-y = ([X] * [θ] – [y]) (m x 1 matrix of Errors in our predictions)

whole objective of machine learning is to minimize Errors in predictions. Based on the above corollary, our Errors matrix is m x 1 vector matrix as follows:

To calculate new value of θj, we have to get a summation of all errors (m rows) multiplied by jth feature value of the training set X. That is, take all the values in E, individually multiply them with jth feature of the corresponding training example, and add them all together. This will help us in getting the new (and hopefully better) value of θj. Repeat this process for all j or the number of features. In matrix form, this can be written as:

This can be simplified as:

[E]’ x [X] will give us a row vector matrix, since E’ is 1 x m matrix and X is m x n matrix. But we are interested in getting a column matrix, hence we transpose the resultant matrix.

More succinctly, it can be written as:

Since (A * B)’ = (B’ * A’), and A” = A, we can also write the above as

This is the original expression we started out with:

theta = theta – (alpha/m) * (X’ * (X * theta – y))

April 15, 2017

The book of 0 and 1

by viggy — Categories: Uncategorized — Tags: , , Leave a comment

Imagine I had a nice fat and fancy notebook with great binding completely empty. I ask a young child who knows how to write 0 and 1 beautifully to fill that notebook completely, line by line, page by page with 0s and 1s. I give full liberty to the child to write it any sequence. At the end of the week, after 7 long days of writing the child returns and gives back the book very happy with the accomplishment. Now in a way of appreciation, I give the child a golden pen, which writes with golden ink and ask it to write a small sequence of 0 and 1 on the binding of the book.
Finally my book of 0 and 1 is ready. If at this moment, I would have come to you and tell you to buy the book from me for a small amount of money. Unless you are really feeling generous or pity on me, you would of course tell me that the book is worth nothing.

Now at this stage, I ask another random person, to choose any page of the book and any sequence of 0 and 1 and try to feed it into any of the machine he/she poses. What might happen. The machine understands the sequence and either return some gibberish or return something which we can understand. If the machine returns gibberish, I ask the person to change the machine and try again till it returns something more meaningful.

I do the same with many different people. Each choose their own random sequence from the book, their own machine to interpret it and then try to get something meaningful out of it what they can understand.

Now I have a book of some value as people are able to make some meaning out of it. Wonderful. I start a game, asking people to find the longest sequence in the book which makes sense. The game goes viral, there are now many machines which are able to make meaningful statements out of the sequence of the book. Very soon, we design machines specifically so that it returns meaningful statements just for the sequence of the book.
This book is the book of religion.

July 4, 2016

After the Dhaka cafe attack

by viggy — Categories: UncategorizedLeave a comment

ना खुरान कि आयथे आती हॆं, ना गीता का श्लोक आतॆं हॆं
हमें तो बस गालिब के प्यार के दो शायरी आतॆ हॆं
लेकिन डर नहीं हॆं मुझे तेरी बदुंक की गोली से
क्योंकी मुझे ये भी पता हॆ की ना खुरान कि आयथें ना गीता का श्लोक तुझे समझ आतें हॆं
मॆं नहीं कोसता तेरी झझ्बातों को
क्योंकी हम मॆं से ही कोई हॆं वो खाफ़िर जीसने बीस साल की उम्र मॆं ही
किताबों के बदले बंदुक थमा दी तेरी हाथों में
और तेरी मसुमियत को नफ़रत में बदल दिया!

तुने किसी को मार दिया
तुझे किसी ने मार दिया
ना उनको अपनी जीन्दगी मीली
ना तुझे अपनी जन्नत मीली
बस नफ़रत फ़ॆलाने वालों के ईरादें बुल्लंद हो गए
और प्यार करने वालॊं को जीने का एक और मकसद मील गया!

Wrote this after the Dhaka Cafe attack on July 2nd 2016 which allegedly was carried out by boys of 20-21 years of age and who selectively killed foreigners who were not able to recite Quran.

May 13, 2016

Nature is no mother

by viggy — Categories: UncategorizedLeave a comment

‘Oh the things that mother nature provide us’, ‘Look at how cruel humans are who destroy mother nature’, ‘Humans need to be in harmony with nature’. Often these are very common sentences we hear. People love to fantasize nature as if it is an active force taking care of the living beings. It isnt. Existence of nature as we understand is just a coincidence and the series of natural events happen with no purpose attached to it. As we understand, the existence of some cancerous cell in one’s body is just result of series of events prior to it as an avalanche on top of an mountain.

Some tectonic plate movements can cause a Tsunami killing thousands of humans and crores of organisms. Similarly some wandering meteoroid can hit the planet earth causing complete extinction of dinosaurs. There is no meaning to such events, they happen as a chain of cause and effects.

As humans, our quest throughout the evolution has been to understand this cause and effect and tame the nature to suit our survival. This could either be the discovery of fire which was used then to burn forests to create plainlands for agriculture or to domesticate animals as source of food and using them as cattle for grazing or making them do our heavy lifting jobs.

This taming of nature is what has differentiated humans as against other species and this taming of nature is what will decide how far our survival can go on. Can a stray asteroid destroy the human race or can we also tame the nature so that we can even use the asteroid for our own purposes.

As humans, what we need from nature for survival, we need to extract mercilessly. Animals, plants, mountains, oceans, planets, stars are all at disposal, it is upto us how we can utilize it. It will be foolish to not do so as we never know which other stray effect comes to destroy us and when it comes it is going to be merciless.

Where does it leave fellow human beings?

February 6, 2016

Cloaks of activism

by viggy — Categories: social, Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , , Leave a comment

Communist, Anarchist, Feminist, Anti-castist, Free Knowledge Hacktivist, Free Speech Advocate, Democrat, Atheist, Anti-racist, LGBT Activist, environmentalist, anti-imperialist and so many other cloaks that a liberal can wear. Ofcourse there are the opposite cloaks for a conservative person also. Amongst so many cloaks, which is the best fit for a person. A person can either have choice of renting one of the cloak for sometime or be forced to choose one of these based on his/her circumstances. Can a boy really wear the cloak of feminism, can he really internalize what a girl has to go through just due to an accident of her being born as a girl? Can an upper-caste really wear the anti-castist cloak without having ever faced with any discrimination or having to be aware of his/her caste identity in a public place? Ofcourse they can rent these cloaks for sometime, lending their voices in support but they can never represent the truly oppressed or shape their movement.

Ambedkar’s commandments to the oppressed, ‘Educate, Agitate, Organize’ represents very well as the direction for the people from the oppressed community. However, for the people from the non-oppressed who would like to support the oppressed and stand with them, in my opinion, the commandment should be to support the leaders from the oppressed rather than taking the role of leader themselves. And this ofcourse is the most challenging aspect for such a person who has always been habituated to lead and direct the decision process.

These lines from the ‘Dalit Marxist Manifesto‘ beautifully present the behaviour of an upper-caste in the dalit movement. “Such attitude is part of growing up upper-caste in India, they just can’t imagine how to look at the world without them being at the center of it, they can’t look at a lower-caste person except from above. Being progressive, radical, revolutionary are not just products of only honest, idealist and painstaking study and analysis of the world but also a resurfacing of the old theme of Higher-hood now denied to them, or they live in denial of, adjusted on a new surface.”

Gandhi and Ambedkar’s tussle in various aspects represents this very well. Gandhi did wear the cloak of being an anti-castist but he could never internalize it and so much that he always gave much more priority to freedom struggle against the Britishers than fighting the caste system within his own society. For Ambedkar, the freedom struggle against Britishers had very little significance as compared to the freedom struggle against the castist society.

This tussle between various cloaks that a liberal wears will always exist. Hence you see the feminist not talking about caste as an issue or even feminist not talking about LGBT rights as much. The environmentalists may talk about Tribal rights but will not talk about farmer suicides. Communists talk about exploitations in work place with their friends in living rooms while asking their wives to prepare food for the comrades.

Ofcourse this does not undermine their contributions to their own activism. Gandhi’s contribution to freedom struggle cannot be challenged and we can only respect him for his sacrifices and appreciate his bravery. This discussion of cloaks is still limited to people who choose to act, where as there are millions who continue to choose to be naked and whose silence allows oppression to be continued. Hence this tussle in whatever way still leads to something better for the society as against doing nothing.

October 20, 2015

Trek to beautiful grasslands of Kudremukh

Beautiful Grasslands of Kudremukh

Beautiful Grasslands of Kudremukh

After looking at the beautiful images of hills with stretches of grasslands, I always wanted to trek to Kudremukh. Me, Farrah and her colleague, Janaki booked our seats through TripHippie which had a fixed departure available for Oct 17th-18th weekend for Rs. 3500/- per person. The organizer of the trek was Nature Admire, which is run by Dev Balaji. I had met him couple of days before to talk about collaboration between TripHippie and Nature Admire. He has a vast experience and network in this domain and there is lot to learn for us from him. After booking through TripHippie, we received the detailed itinerary from Dev. We left for Kudremukh from Bangalore on Friday night around 10:00 pm in a tempo traveller. We reached Balegal by morning 7:00 am on Saturday. From here, we went to Mullodi in Jeep ride of 8 kms that I will never forget. It was only in videos that I had seen driving in such roads but this route will ensure that all the bones in your body is shook. The drivers here are skilful and had full control over the vehicle during the drive. After reaching the base camp at around 8:00 am, we quickly freshened ourselves and had breakfast. We then packed food items that we had brought from Bangalore along with lunch that was provided to us to carry along with other necessary items like torch, sprays and water bottles. Though as per the itinerary, we were supposed to be back to base camp by 6:00 pm and hence torch would not have been necessary, it later proved to be very helpful. With this, by 9:00 am, we were all set to start the trek.

One of the many streams during the trek with crystal clear water

One of the many streams during the trek with crystal clear water

We were quickly briefed by Balaji about the trek and do’s and don’ts during the trek. We had a local guide with us, who would lead the way for our group. There were more than 100 other trekkers who had come along with various other groups, so the trek route was crowded. The trek is 8 kms to the peak, with close to 4 kms of trek where you have steep climbing which is very tiring. However there are lot of places where you cross the streams with water so pure that you can just drink it directly. Again this was a first experience for me to just drink water directly from the stream.

View of the Kudremukh Peak

View of the Kudremukh Peak

It was very sunny and we were soon tired even just after 1 km of trekking. Balaji kept inspiring us that we will soon get comfortable once we get acclimatized to the new environment. Till now, we hadnt seen the actual peak that we had to reach. After around 1.5 kms of trek, Balaji showed us the Kudremukh Peak.

Image from Wikipedia explaining the name of the peak, kudremukh

Image from Wikipedia explaining the name of the peak, kudremukh

Kudremukh in Kannada means horse-face. Though a little difficult for me to imagine, others seem to get it easily imagine the peak as a horse face. The sight of the peak kept inspiring us apart from the sight of lush green grasslands. We were expecting rain and hence wanted to complete the trek before evening after which it would be really difficult to trek back if it rains. The local guide kept trekking easily and waiting for us to catch up with him. Our trekking team had people with varied experience with us being the complete newbies and a couple who had even visited Annapurna Base camp in Nepal. So they kept guiding us and helping us. Balaji kept reminding us to take some short breaks and have bananas, nuts and chocolates that we had brought along with us.

Our Trekking group, fully charged while climbing a steep path

Our Trekking group, fully charged while climbing a steep path

By around 1:00 pm, we were completely exhausted with close to 2 kms still to go. We had maintained a constant pace of 25-30 mins per km. Balaji stayed at the end encouraging us to keep moving forward. Looking back at the distance we had covered also kept pushing to achieve the final 2 kms to reach the peak. Also, the cloud had started becoming more dense and we expecting rain, we kept moving forward. By this time, a part of our group had already gone quite ahead.

Almost at the peak, we were able to see the clouds below us

Almost at the peak, we were able to see the clouds below us

The last 500m is almost plain and we were thrilled for having reached the peak. We were amidst the clouds and it was a great feeling of achievement and satisfaction.

Clouds at the peak

Clouds at the peak

A beautiful feeling to be amidst the clouds

A beautiful feeling to be amidst the clouds

We finally reached the peak at 2:00 pm after 5 and half hours of trek where others from our group were already waiting for us and taking rest.

TripHippie and NatureAdmire team at the peak of Kudremukh

TripHippie and NatureAdmire team at the peak of Kudremukh

From the peak where clouds were below us

From the peak where clouds were below us

We had the puliogre that we had got from base camp as lunch along with some oranges that we had carried from Bangalore. We also took a small nap of 10 mins to rest our legs. We then started our downhill trek at around 3:00 pm. Though we had expected it to be difficult due to some steep paths, we soon understood it was much easier to have climbed than to go down. Our joints and toes soon started to feel the pressure. We had thought that though difficult, we would still be faster in climbing downhill and hence would reach the base camp by around 7:00 pm with 4 hours to trek downhill. However one of our group mates sprained her leg very soon, just about 2 kms from the peak and it slowed us down. By around 6, were still at least 5 kms far from the base camp and it was already getting dark. This was where the torches that we had carried along helped us and we continued trekking downhill with the help of torch light. We had Balaji who had waited for us before the start of the dense forest. We would have definitely got lost had he not waited for us there. He kept assuring us that we keep moving slowly and carefully. We did not want anyone else to get hurt by twisting or falling. The steam which had been very welcoming while climbing up were now numbing cold. We still had to cross them and since we did not want to risk slipping on stones, we decided to walk through the numbing cold stream. It was our first experience trekking in evening through a dark forest and we were all scared except for Balaji who knew the route very well.

By around 9:00 pm, completely exhausted, we reached the basecamp and joined other members from our group. The dinner was ready along with the tents and sleeping bags for our night stay. Completely refreshed with the experience of the trek, we enjoyed the dinner and went to sleep in the cosy.

The next day, Sunday, we got up at around 9(we were supposed to get up by 6 :)) and visited the Somavathi falls. Since we were already late, we just enjoyed in the falls for an hour or so and rushed back to basecamp to pack our bags. Since most of us were exhausted from the trek, we had decided to go back to Balegal in a Jeep rather than trek back to Balegal which was the plan as per the itinerary. We also decided to skip visiting the Horanadu Temple and just stop at the Tea Estate for a while.

Beautiful Tea Estate

Beautiful Tea Estate

Valley between the tea estate

Valley between the tea estate

After this, we reached Kottigehara where we stopped for lunch. We enjoyed the Neer dosa being served there in a local hotel. Though we were expecting our body to ache due to the heavy trekking that we had done the previous day, surprisingly we did not have any such issues. Relieved we enjoyed the movies that was being played in the cab. We reached back to Bangalore at around 8:30 and as always were welcome with a huge traffic at Malleshwaram Maramma Circle. From the crystal clear water from streams and grasslands surrounding us, we were now back amidst the concrete structures of Bangalore.

Overall the trek to Kudremukh was a great experience and my first through TripHippie. I notice close to 150 more packages that are currently hosted in TripHippie which I need to experience.