My current life and lifestyle seems too unreal to me and hence there is a fear in me that it can end abruptly. That has lead me to make this analysis or at least organize the thoughts that I probably always had in mind.
When I look at my past success, I realize that whenever I have got some success it is because I had my full heart into it. Each time I think about it, I feel that I was not competent enough to have achieved it but since I had dreamed about that success and I had put my full efforts in it, I achieved success in it.
Similarly, when I look at my recent failures, I realize that in all the failures, I had never put my full efforts. It was always halfhearted approach.
This is probably a very known fact and I have not stated anything new. However the fact I have recognized it means at least a hope for me. Now again I need to do more things in which I am interested in.