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May 13, 2016

Nature is no mother

by viggy — Categories: UncategorizedLeave a comment

‘Oh the things that mother nature provide us’, ‘Look at how cruel humans are who destroy mother nature’, ‘Humans need to be in harmony with nature’. Often these are very common sentences we hear. People love to fantasize nature as if it is an active force taking care of the living beings. It isnt. Existence of nature as we understand is just a coincidence and the series of natural events happen with no purpose attached to it. As we understand, the existence of some cancerous cell in one’s body is just result of series of events prior to it as an avalanche on top of an mountain.

Some tectonic plate movements can cause a Tsunami killing thousands of humans and crores of organisms. Similarly some wandering meteoroid can hit the planet earth causing complete extinction of dinosaurs. There is no meaning to such events, they happen as a chain of cause and effects.

As humans, our quest throughout the evolution has been to understand this cause and effect and tame the nature to suit our survival. This could either be the discovery of fire which was used then to burn forests to create plainlands for agriculture or to domesticate animals as source of food and using them as cattle for grazing or making them do our heavy lifting jobs.

This taming of nature is what has differentiated humans as against other species and this taming of nature is what will decide how far our survival can go on. Can a stray asteroid destroy the human race or can we also tame the nature so that we can even use the asteroid for our own purposes.

As humans, what we need from nature for survival, we need to extract mercilessly. Animals, plants, mountains, oceans, planets, stars are all at disposal, it is upto us how we can utilize it. It will be foolish to not do so as we never know which other stray effect comes to destroy us and when it comes it is going to be merciless.

Where does it leave fellow human beings?

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