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May 18, 2024

Tag: dyer

May 11, 2013

Under self-government, India would commit suicide!!!

by viggy — Categories: experience, social — Tags: , , , Leave a comment

I was watching the movie “Gandhi” and was appalled by the scene of Jallianwala Bagh massacre as shown in the movie. I can only imagine the actual version to be much more bloodier and brutal. It led me to wonder what had led General Dyer to order such a massacre and still what led to his army to respect his order.
In the movie and also as per other sources, it is shown that he was not at all sorry for this incident and he felt that as a man from military, it was his duty to maintain the law as the Indians were breaking the martial law.
Not only did the British rule not take any action against him, he was honored as “Saviour of the Punjab” on his return to Britain.
It led me to wonder that if as Indians we are ever in the same position, will we also behave the same. Will we also show our might against the minority groups and celebrate our people who do so. The wave of fundamentalism flowing across the nation, isnt it asking to do exactly the same.
Few people being in the position of General Dyer are pulling the strings and giving orders. But isnt it is up to us to decide if we will pull the trigger and be part of the massacre.
Ironically, looks like General Dyer knew it already. This is what he had to say in his article “India’s path to Suicide” in the Globe of 21st January 1921:

“Our politicians like playing with vital affairs; but India should lie beyond the sphere of their jugglery. Self-government for India is a horrible pretence which would set the people of the country at each other’s throats long before the beginnings of contructive work were made possible. Under self-government, India would commit suicide; but our politicians would be guilty of murder as associates in the crime.”

Source : “The Butcher of Amritsar: General Reginald Dyer By Nigel Collett”

I wonder if we are going in path which will prove him correct.